Wednesday, February 27, 2008

I ran across this style of page localization once before and liked it.

This is the basis for a nice localization pattern for web pages using JavaScript.

The JS code dropped into the script file looks like so..

var FB_Localized = {

feedbackhdr:'Feedback For This Page',

feedbacksaveerror:'Sorry the system is busy, try again later.',

feedbacksent:'Feedback Sent',

feedbackemail:'Your email address:',




feedbacklengthTooLong:'(Feedback too long please shorten)',



var FB_T = function(t){return FB_Localized[t]||t;}

To pull out any value in your JavaScript code you just put in a placeholder and then use perhaps a simple jQuery call to place it onload.


<span id=feedbackheader></span>

So to override the language defaults you just reference another script file with language overrides for the above array like so before the final page is loaded..

var FB_Localized = {

feedbackhdr:'Отзыв на эту страницу',

feedbacksaveerror:'Извините, система загружена. Попробуйте позднее.',

feedbacksent:'Отзыв отправлен',

feedbackemail:'Ваш адрес электронной почты:',




feedbacklengthTooLong:'(Отзыв слишком длинный. Пожалуйста, сократите его)',



etc for any other language that you want to support..

The nice thing here is that you can drive the JS Script file from easily from a database to .Net Resource files with ease.. Some time back I did a quick video detailing how easy this would be to do in .Net using Resource Files and/ro I think a database driver. The video was titled Zero Code ASP.Net Localization via jQuery & JSON but I am sure it is a bit out of date.

Kevin Pirkl

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